Monday, October 20, 2014

Music and Writing

            My favorite song currently is Runaway by Ed Sheeran, I love Ed in general but this song cuts deep. It’s about an alcoholic father and he leaves throughout the night, the son is tired of this and wants out of the house. Although the song doesn’t simply state that there is a girl, the lyrics say, ‘I want to runaway with you.’ The main emotion I feel throughout this whole song is loneliness, and I have had alcoholic people in my life when I was younger and relate to this song, although I have never met somebody I would want to runaway with.
            Without music, the world would be bland, and nobody would be able to connect with something a lot of people love. I mean, when I was younger I remember singing, ‘Take Me Out to the Ball Game,’ a classic, if I might add. My dad knew it, my mom knew it, my grandfather knew it, it was something people knew and liked. The world strives on music, it brings out the best in things, and brings out the creativeness in everybody. It brings friends closer, it brings students closer, it brings the world closer. We would not learn about other cultures if we did not have music; you can learn a language until you’re blue in the face but you won’t learn everything if you do not listen to the music of that language. In the Hispanic culture, and their songs, they use slang words, words I had never heard of before. It was something new to me, but I felt I was learning more about this culture than my four other semesters of Spanish.
            Without music, my life would be lost. I listen to music on a daily basis, I am listening to music as I type this. Even if I can’t sing, or play an instrument, music is a part of me like any of the people that can sing or play an instrument. Music has brought me closer to cultures as I stated earlier; I went to a Hispanic singer’s artist, because I love their music. Yes he sang English songs, but he also sang in Spanish, and that was an experience that I will never forget. I’ve found artists, both big and unknown, and joined their fandoms, from these fandoms I have friends all over the world. I talk to these people on a regular basis, I have group chats with a lot of the people I have met, and it’s an amazing thing because music did this. Music brings people together, and if I didn’t have music I would be lost, indefinitely.

1 comment:

  1. I was just randomly thinking the other day that listening to music in Spanish and reading the lyrics would be a good way to learn the language...I can totally see how that would work for you since music is such a passion of yours.

    We miss having you in class when you're gone...I know you're sick, but if you feel like it, you could still be posting to your blog using the assignment info from the class page. Let me know if I can help...
