Friday, August 22, 2014

Professional Fangirl

The boys of IM5
            It was a normal day; well as normal as it could get: waking up, arriving at school with five minutes to get to my first class (or almost making it to my first class), shuffling from class to class, and then work. My days go exactly like this on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. As I walked out of school yesterday I stopped at Qdoba, my ultimate bae, and hurried to work, Which Wich off of Battlefield and 65.
            Arriving about thirty minutes early I let one of my coworkers go and took their spot. It was slow. I had finished everything I was supposed to do as a Shift Leader about an hour early, so I went on break early. Once there I started creeping, excuse me looking, at my favorite band’s Twitter. I do this about ten or more times a day, I mean what if they posted something? I would never know if I didn’t check. Everything seemed ordinary, tweets about really nothing, and I did the thing I do about twenty times a day. I tweeted to them.
            The tweet was as follows, “If @IM5band and the guys followed me or tweeted me I would probably die. I mean remember what happened when David liked my photo TWICE? (insert the feels face).”
            After that tweet I replied to a couple people and then tweeted them again, “Seriously when do I not tweet about @IM5band. I mean 98% of my tweets are about them, 1% is random. And the other percent is @LianaIM5 (Liana Bustamante, for all of you here at school).”
            This was about five or so, and after eating the rest of my sandwich I went back to work. It got very busy around 5:30, which it usually does, so my coworker and I had barely any free time for the next hour and a half or so.
            Then it happened.
The follow that would change my life forever
            I went to check on my phone, put on some music in the back, check my Twitter, etc. I noticed I had a notification on Twitter and when I clicked on it I flipped out.
            “IM5band followed you.”
            ‘WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS?’ were my first immediate thoughts, so I went to their Twitter page and realized it was true.

Just another fangirl crying over a boyband

            I shrieked, squealed, and jumped up and down, it was a moment of mine that I will never forget. I even drew the attention to my coworker, Maddie, who had no clue what was going on and tried to get me to talk to. I showed her my phone wordlessly, I could not form a sentence really.
            Some point in this time I started crying, more like bawling, and Maddie did the thing any nice coworker would do. She took a photo of me crying.
            This explains my life just in a matter of a couple paragraphs. If I could have any professional role it would definitely be, ‘Professional Fangirl,’ and I would gladly take it. I tweet to them, listen to their music, and just have a lot of feels, constantly. I still have Post Concert Depression from a couple weeks ago.
            So, 5ers unite, and this is how I became a Professional Fangirl.

Monday, August 18, 2014

I Am...

A group selfie at the meet and greet
I am...

A daugther, the middle child, the one that has more responsibility than the first
A sister, the one who always get mistaken as the mother, the one to get asked, 'Can we listen to music?'
A fangirl, waiting up all night for a video, crying, tripping over backpacks then crawling to tell my mom, 'David liked my picture!'
A best friend, somebody to talk two hours on the phone about really nothing, the girl that will travel three hours with to see a concert, first row
A sassmaster, a little bit more sass than anybody else, plus an attitude
A beach lover, picking shells out of the sand, running into waves screaming, a girl taking her little sister to the beach for the first time
A traveler, a girl ready to pack her suitcases and travel everywhere, a girl with a bucket list full of places one day she'll see

The best friend and I representing our boys

I am...
A sandwich, lasagna, and chips with any sauce
A song with lyrics describing every day to key
A book, fiction, romance, fantasy, hundreds of pages filled with text begging to be devoured

A phone filled with music, photos of then and now, a Twitter app filled with friends that I may never see again
A stuffed hippo named Fred, who holds all my secrets, a great cuddler, and a great listener, one who never travels far

I am...
Long dirty blond hair, kissed in places causing blond to sprout

Bright blue green eyes, ones that somebody could travel to my soul, an open book, showing all emotions
A sweats and tees kind of girl, every once and a while a dress up princess
Responsible, kissing my siblings boo boos away
Hungry, not just for food but for life itself
A senior, one ready to start her next adventure